It’s hard to believe that more than five decades have passed since a small group of dedicated individuals gathered together around a kitchen table in New Jersey. Led by foster parents Sue and Bernie Dondiego, along with Hattie Talley, this passionate group envisioned a brighter future for foster, kinship, and adoptive families in our state. From those humble beginnings emerged the New Jersey Foster Parents Association (NJFPA), later evolving into Foster and Adoptive Family Services (FAFS), and finally becoming embrella.
As we celebrate our past achievements and look ahead to the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead, we invite you to
join us in honoring our 50-year legacy of Community and Connection.
![[V2] We invite you to be a part of our 50th Anniversary by sharing your experiences, wisdom, and insights throughout your time with embrella.](https://www.embrella.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/V2-We-invite-you-to-be-a-part-of-our-50th-Anniversary-by-sharing-your-experiences-wisdom-and-insights-throughout-your-time-with-embrella-1024x512.jpg)
We want to hear from YOU!
We invite you to be a part of our 50th Anniversary by sharing your experiences, wisdom, and insights throughout your time with us.

New Jersey Foster Parents Association is founded
Foster parents Sue and Bernie Dondiego and Hattie Talley sit at a kitchen table and discuss issues facing foster parents and how to work together to bring about positive change for the children in their homes.
NJFPA is incorporated
Foster parents Sue and Bernie Dondiego and Hattie Talley sit at a kitchen table and discuss issues facing foster parents and how to work together to bring about positive change for the children in their homes.
NJFPA holds its first meeting at the Shiloh Baptist Church in Trenton, NJ
NJFPA takes part in NJ Action for Foster Children in State Chambers, State House and members march to the State House to meet with Governor Byrne
NJFPA holds first statewide training conference on foster care
NJFPA receives state funding through the Division of Youth and Family Services (DYFS), now known as the Division of Child Protection and Permanency (CP&P)
NJFPA establishes State level committees developed to serve foster parents
NJFPA representatives serve on the committee that establishes uniform statewide mandatory pre-service training for foster parents
NJFPA representatives serve on a committee to establish Child Placement Review Boards
NJFPA representative and other child advocates testify at Joint Appropriation Hearing and successfully receive a 26% increase in reimbursement rates for children in foster care
NJFPA's partnership with DYFS (now known as Department of Children and Families) begins
NJFPA becomes the first state association to receive state funding for advocacy, in-service training, and recruitment of foster homes
The Hattie Talley Scholarship Fund is founded
NJFPA receives DYFS (now known as CP&P) policy regarding foster care for review and comment before implementation
Support Groups for Foster Parents (now known as Connecting Families Meetings) are in every county in NJ
Legislation on foster care programs/services amounting to over four million dollars introduced in Senate and Assembly
Governor Thomas Kean designates May as Foster Parent Month in NJ
Governor Thomas H. Kean accepts the national "Team Player Award" from Sue Dondiego
New Jersey became the first recipient of the award which recognizes the state's innovative foster parent training and recruitment programs.
Touch A Life (Become a Foster Parent) ad campaign debuts
Created for NJFPA from donations of professional service through the NJ Council on Advertising
Liability insurance program for foster parents established
Support Workers (now known as embrella Family Support Advocates) added to staffing of NJFPA
NJFPA Training Meeting June 9, Proposed adding new staff position, training specialist, under supervision of Training Coordinators.
The 1990s
NJFPA worked with the Child Welfare League of America (CWLA) on the National Commission on Family Foster Care.
The Circle of Support – Caring for Children and Families with HIV conference held – NJFPA sponsored (with many others)
The Foster Allegation Support Team (FAST) Program – created by NJFPA in cooperation with DYFS, the program provides non-judgmental support to foster parents coping with abuse and neglect allegations
NJFPA sponsored bus from Newark to Washington for AIDS awareness day
NJFPA office moved to Monmouth Junction
Dozens of foster parents and staff representing 15 counties, met with their New Jersey Legislators on March 13, 1995, to voice their concerns on issues involving foster care and adoption
Over 125 people enjoyed a day of recreation and entertainment at Johnson Park in Middlesex County at the annual picnic
Over 82 foster parents and staff met with their New Jersey legislators on May 22, 1997 to voice their concens on issues involving foster care and adoption
Backpack Program launches in partnership with Senator Vitale and Stand for Children
Private Scholarship Program is launched to provide financial assistance, as a scholarship for academic purposes or funding for living expenses for those in school or working
DYFS (now known as CP&P) Info line contracted -- NJFPA was now responsible for running the recruitment hotline: 1-877-NJFOSTERS
The 2000s
NJFPA rebrands to FAFS (Foster and Adoptive Family Services)