Discover all of the ways you can support youth in foster care.
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When you help foster kids by donating to embrella, you give much more than money; you give them the chance to lead self-sufficient, productive and happy adult lives.
The Bag Project supports children and youth in crisis by providing essential items during difficult transitions, such as entering foster care or seeking refuge due to unsafe home environments.
Mentors provide extra support, encouragement, friendship and guidance. They understand the concerns and daily challenges of being a resource, kinship, and/or adoptive parent.
Founded in 1972 and incorporated in 1974, embrella, formerly Foster and Adoptive Family Services, serves foster, adoptive and kinship parents in communities throughout NJ. We provide services, support and training opportunities for foster, adoptive and kinship families. We help foster children by offering programs to support them from childhood to young adulthood.