Heart to Heart Mentor Application

Upon receiving your application, you will be contacted for an interview, and the CP&P Office of Resource Families will review your application for vetting purposes. Upon approval, you will receive the necessary tools to begin as an embrella Mentor. To qualify as a Mentor, your home must have been licensed as a resource parent for at least two years or, as a kinship caregiver, you must have been working with CP&P and have had children in your home for at least six months.

As a Mentor, you will be matched with a mentee once their application is received. We strive to pair mentees with Mentors from their area who share similar experiences. 

Once matched with a mentee, you and your mentee will work out times to have calls, texts, or meetings to connect.  

The duration of the match is determined by the mentee, typically lasting up to 90 days on average. You will receive ongoing support from embrella staff, including your designated Family Support Advocate. 

As a Mentor, your responsibilities include: 

  • Providing emotional support and encouragement to assigned mentees  
  • Maintaining regular, agreed upon contact with assigned mentees  
  • Submitting required documentation of contact with your mentee  
  • Sharing your personal experiences to the extent that you are comfortable, respecting the confidentiality of those involved  
  • Referring to an embrella Family Support advocate or other staff member when appropriate
  • Connecting caregivers to embrella’s services such as but not limited to, Connecting Families Meetings  
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