Heart to Heart

embrella’s peer mentoring program matches experienced kinship and resource parents with other kinship and resource parents who may need additional support.

embrella’s Mentors provide extra support, encouragement, friendship and guidance. They understand the concerns, issues and daily challenges of being a resource, kinship and/or adoptive parent as they have gone through similar experiences through being licensed in New Jersey.

Mentees can get help with...

  • What to expect as kinship caregiver or newly licensed family
  • Handling the many needs of children in care
  • Adoption or KLG process
  • Children being reunified

Mentors can...

  • Provide a listening and supportive ear
  • Encourage, coach, and guide
  • Connect to embrella’s local Connecting Families meetings
  • Refer to embrella’s Family Support Advocates for advocacy and additional support services

Please note: embrella’s mentors cannot provide legal advice or advocacy services

Interested in an initial conversation with a mentor?

Interested in learning more about what it is like to have a mentor?  Complete the form below for us to set up an initial informal conversation between you and a mentor. 

Interested in becoming a mentor?

We are always in need of new Mentors. Please use the map below to see which areas need someone with mentoring experience. Caregivers who speak Spanish are encouraged to apply to assist our statewide efforts.

Contact with Mentor is primarily by phone or email. Frequency and method of contact may vary depending on Mentor/Mentee availability and preference; however, once a month contact is an expectation of the program. 

embrella is providing this Mentor/Mentee matching program to serve as a resource to the community. embrella is not responsible for the advice provided in the Mentor/Mentee relationship. Any information provided should be verified with a embrella Family Support Advocate. embrella does not guarantee the quality of advice provided in this relationship nor is making any representation about the mentor or mentee other than that both parties are or were a kinship caregiver or a licensed resource parent in the State of New Jersey.