Scholarship Coordinator Job Application Form Applicant's Name* First Last Applicant's Email* Applicants Phone Number*Please answer the following Filter Questions: 1. Do you have experience working with young adults, ages 16-26, who have experience in the foster care system or with homelessness?*2. Briefly describe your knowledge of the FAFSA and post-secondary education funding, including federal and state grants.*3. Briefly describe your experience conducting presentations for various group sizes. How do you ensure a successful presentation?*4. embrella's office is located in Princeton, NJ in Middlesex County; however, this position is a hybrid position with time spent working from home, working in the office, and working in the field. Is this a requirement you can meet? What is your experience working in a hybrid position like this?*5. This job may require some evening or weekend hours. Is this a requirement you can meet?* Yes No 6. We are contracted with the NJ Department of Children and Families, so there is a set salary. The salary for the Scholarship Coordinator position is $42,500. I understand that there is no negotiation beyond this salary and would like to submit my application for this position.* Yes No Hidden6. We are contracted with the NJ Department of Children and Families, so there is a set salary. The salary for the Scholarship Coordinator position is $42,500. Do you understand there is no negotiation beyond this range, and would you like to apply for this position?*If you have not already sent your Cover Letter, please upload your Cover Letter Here: Please upload the files listed above here: Drop files here or Select files Max. file size: 300 MB. If you have not already sent your Resume, please upload your Resume Here: Please upload the files listed above here: Drop files here or Select files Max. file size: 300 MB. CAPTCHA Δ