Summer Camp Scholarships

embrella and our donors, in partnership with Camp Johnsonburg, believe that giving every child an opportunity to be part of a transformative summer camp experience will help them to grow, experiment, make new friends, and trust themselves and others. embrella Scholarship Applications for Camp Johnsonburg are processed with priority consideration for need, first time campers, and sibling groups on a first come, first served basis. The earlier you get your application in, the better chance you have to be accepted for this scholarship.

embrella is excited to offer scholarships for one week overnight summer camps at Camp Johnsonburg, a Presbyterian Camp located in beautiful Warren County in the northwest corner of NJ.

embrella Scholarship Applications for Camp Johnsonburg are accepted on a first come, first served basis until all slots are filled. The earlier you get your application in, the better chance you have to be accepted for this scholarship.

What to Expect

Sending your child away from home is a big deal. Before you apply for the embrella scholarship, we want to share with you some of the things that you should know about the program at Camp Johnsonburg that will make this decision more comfortable.

Here are some of the core values of Camp Johnsonburg:

  • We must open our hearts and our doors to all people because every person is created in the image of God and has inherent value.
  • Racism and other attitudes of bias and hatred can be diminished by being in a community that welcomes all.
  • There is value in small groups within which individuals are welcomed and encouraged to express their uniqueness, and yet remain responsible for supporting the rights of others.
  • Emotionally and physically safe environments, guided by caring and trusted adults, are essential to healthy growth.
  • Time spent in a natural outdoor setting engenders a respect for nature, a commitment to stewardship, and awe in the presence of God’s creation.

The Camp Johnsonburg Program

At Camp Johnsonburg, the focus is on building community and the give and take that goes along with it. Upon arriving at camp, campers are placed in small groups that are typically comprised of 2 cabins of 7-8 campers, and 2 counselors. This group remains together for the duration of the camper’s time at camp, participating in activities and eating together.

The staff are college-aged role models who has been carefully selected and intensively trained in child and youth development, mental health care, and much more.

Camp Activities

Campers get the opportunity to make individual choices at camp, including purchases at the Camp Store
and Camper Choice Activities.

The campers get to work together as part of their group to decide which activities they will participate together in throughout the week.

These activities include the team challenge course, Bible study, swimming at the pool and in the lake, boating, canoeing, kayaking, climbing wall, zipline, the giant’s swing, archery, hiking, and fishing just to name a few.

See how these activities will fit into a sample daily schedule.

Sample Elementary School

EPIC Schedule

7:30 am   -    Wakeup
8:00 am   -    Breakfast
8:30 am   -    For the Good of the Community (Cleaning cabins & bathrooms)
8:55 am   - Morning Worship
9:30 am   -    JAM - Jesus and Me
10:00 am   -   Team Building
11:15 am   -    Leap of Faith
12:30 pm   -   Lunch
1:15 pm   -    FOB (Rest Time)
2:30 pm   -    Free Swim - Lake & Pool
3:30 pm   -    Change
4:00 pm   -    Arts & Crafts
5:00 pm   -    Camper's Choice
6:00 pm   -    Dinner
6:45 pm   -    All Camp Game
8:15 pm   -    Vespers
9:00 pm   -    Showers, Check-in, & Bedtime

Sample Middle School

Mayhem Schedule

7:30 am   -    Wakeup
8:00 am   -    Breakfast
8:30 am   -    For the Good of the Community (Cleaning cabins & bathrooms)
8:55 am   - Morning Worship
9:30 am   -    JAM - Jesus and Me
10:00 am   -   Team Building
11:15 am   -    Leap of Faith
12:30 pm   -   Lunch
1:15 pm   -    FOB (Rest Time)
2:30 pm   -    Free Swim - Lake & Pool
3:30 pm   -    Change
4:00 pm   -    Arts & Crafts
5:00 pm   -    Camper's Choice
6:00 pm   -    Dinner
6:45 pm   -    All Camp Game
8:15 pm   -    Vespers
9:00 pm   -    Karaoke
10:15 pm   -   Showers, Check-in, & Bedtime

Summer Themes and Program Options

Week 1 (6th-12th grade) with an EPIC Elementary Option

One of the Week 1 camp choices is Johnsonburg’s Wonderfully Made curriculum. The program is designed to celebrate and share in your uniqueness.  It is a specially tailored curriculum that focuses on welcoming and supporting LGBTQIA+ friends, seekers, and allies.   

  • The elementary Epic Camp have a choice join in this program where appropriate and the curriculum will carefully focus on the broad theme of being made by a God who loves us. 
  • The middle and high school curriculum for this week explores issues of identity and each teen’s faith journey in a more mature way. 

Week 1 - 6

Week 1-6 Johnsonburg curriculum is designed to help children and youth walk through their current place and time in faith. The theme guiding the curriculum is still being decided and will be updated soon.

Along with the curriculum are specialty camp options that can happen varying weeks through out the summer.  See program below.

Programs Based on Grade Level

1st - 3rd graders can attend

A half week Genesis Camp. (Sunday – Wednesday)

2nd - 5th graders can attend

Mystery Camp
Animal Camp

6th - 8th graders can attend

Wonderfully Made (See Above)
Rides and Slides
Middle School Mayhem
Adventure Trek
Night Owls

9th - 12th graders can attend

Wonderfully Made (See Above)
Rides and Slides
High School Hangout
Adventure Trek
Night Owls
Mission Immersion

Leadership training for high school students

9th - 11th graders can attend

Pre-Leadership Training Program

11th - 12th graders can attend

Leadership Training Program

Summer Camp FAQ

Everything you need to know from what to pack to communicating with the camp team.

What to Pack

Download the What to Pack List Here.

Pack With Your Camper 

Packing with your child is a great opportunity to build excitement about camp and to talk about any concerns your camper may have about their upcoming camp experience. Plus, you can make sure they pack everything that they need to bring and leave the stuff that should stay home, at home. 

Use the “What to Pack” Checklist 

Use the checklist when you pack. Once you are all packed, tuck the checklist in your campers luggage and instruct them to use it when they pack their stuff at the end of the week. That way, they have a way to make sure they’ve got everything they came with and are leaving nothing behind. 

What to Pack Your Stuff In 

Pack your stuff so that your camper(s) can carry it a short distance to their cabin. Storage space in the cabins is limited. Soft-sided luggage, like a duffle bag or backpack, that can be easily stuffed under beds or in small spaces is ideal. 

Label Everything 

Put your camper’s first and last name on everything using a permanent marker. Be sure to label your camper’s luggage. If your camper loses something, it may turn up in lost and found. Unclaimed items are disposed of or donated to charity two weeks after your campers session ends. 

Pack Appropriate Attire for Camp 

Pack clothing that is comfortable in hot weather, suitable for outdoor play, and has the potential to get wet and dirty. Campers should not pack suggestive or revealing outfits nor articles of clothing that promote alcohol, tobacco, drug use, sexual behavior, or contain inappropriate language. 

A Note About Swimsuits 

It is recommended that campers wear one-piece suits, swim trunks, or board shorts. Campers may wear T-shirts in the pool or lake over their swimsuits if they would feel more comfortable doing so. Remember that campers will be participating in activities at the lake on inflatables and in the pool that require climbing and jumping. 

If You Are Bringing Medications to Camp 

All medications (prescription, non prescription, and over-the-counter) remain with and are dispensed by the Healthcare Staff. Please pack your medications separately from your luggage so you will be able to easily access them and turn them into the Healthcare Staff during Check-In. 

Communication While at Camp

Should I Write to my Camper? 

YES!! Nothing makes a camper’s day like receiving a letter from home. Parents are encouraged to write to their campers regularly while they are at camp. To help you save on postage, you can “pre-write” your message and drop them off with the staff on Check-In day. Mail collected at Check-In will be delivered throughout the week. Mail is distributed daily at lunch. Mail sent via the post office should be sent 2 weeks prior to our camper’s session. To mail your camper a letter use the following address: 

Camp Johnsonburg 

Camper Name, Camp Name, & Cabin 

822 Route 519 

Johnsonburg, NJ 07825 

Can I send an email to my camper? 

A “One-Way Email” service is provided at no cost. Instructions for using this service will be handed out to you at Check-In. Email is delivered everyday at lunch. The best messages are ones where you tell your camper how proud you are of them and how you are looking forward to hearing about their time at camp. Refrain from telling your camper how much you miss them, or other phrases that might make them homesick. It’s always good to close with “See you Friday” (or whatever day your camper’s session ends). Remember, campers do not have access to a computer at camp and won’t respond to your email (unless they write a letter home). Note: Only text is printed, no pictures please. Please be environmentally sensitive and know that every email you send uses at least one full piece of paper. 

Can I send my camper a care package? 

Care packages that do not contain candy or food are great! Campers are served delicious and nutritious meals and snacks throughout the day while at camp. Including food or candy in care packages only encourages insects and critters to find their way into cabins and other places where they don’t belong and may contain allergens that other campers are sensitive to. Suggestions: embroidery floss for friendship bracelets, glow bracelets/sticks, facepaint to share, items for a cabin party, etc. 

What are the policies related to telephone calls and campers having cell phones? 

During camp, staff work hard to build a sense of community among campers. The program, activities, and experiences are designed for campers so that they can “get away” from the distractions and the “busy-ness” of the everyday world, be in a place apart, and connect with the Holy Spirit in nature. Camp is also a time of self-discovery and testing out one’s independence. Experience has shown that allowing campers to have telephone contact with friends or family in the “real world” detracts from the camp experience, is counter-productive to Camp Johnsonburg’s mission goals, and disrupts the ability to build community at camp. For these reasons campers are not permitted to carry cell phones or make or receive phone calls (unless accompanied by a staff member after consultation with the camp director). 

Know that if a situation involving your camper arises that warrants parental involvement, be it severe homesickness, a behavioral issue, or a healthcare concern, we will contact you as soon as possible. If you have an emergency and you need to contact your child, please call the camp office at 908-852-2349. 

Can I visit my camper at camp? 

For many of the same reasons outlined above related to the policy on telephone calls, Camp Johnsonburg strongly discourage visitors to camp during camp sessions. Parents and visitors are welcome and encouraged to tour Camp Johnsonburg prior to your camper’s session. Call the office to schedule a tour! 

Help Your Camper Succeed at Camp

Discuss the camp’s policies with your camper beforehand.

Make sure your camper understands what the policies are and that they have to honor them. 

Talk with your camper about their concerns and what they are looking forward to.

Acknowledge your camper’s concerns positively. Let them know that you understand that if they are anxious, unsure, or nervous and that it is okay to feel that way. Resist the temptation to “rescue” your child from homesickness. Acknowledge in a positive way that you will miss your camper and you are confident that they will be able to complete the camp session. 

Pack together with your camper.

Pack things with your camper that they will be comfortable wearing. Pack a flashlight with lots of extra batteries. Pack a favorite stuffed animal or storybook for bedtime. Use the packing list that Camp Johnsonburg sends you.

Let your camper know that the camp staff is there to help them.

Make sure they understand that if they have a problem, they should let their counselor know. 

Prepare your camper for spending time away from home at camp.

Visit the Camp Johnsonburg website with your camper and look at pictures. Encourage your camper to ask questions about camp. Practice being away from home overnight. Have a sleep out in the backyard or at a friend’s house 

Things to Avoid Before Camp

Avoid making deals or bribes.

For example, avoid saying, “If you don’t like it, Mommy will come and pick you up” or “If you stay at camp, Daddy will get you a new bike when you come home.” 

Avoid statements or actions that conflict with camp policies.

Avoid saying things like “If you get homesick, you can call me”, when camp has a policy that does not permit campers to call home, or allowing your child to pack a digital music play, e-reader, or cell phone when the packing lists says leave it at home. 

Avoid sending your camper to camp during a disruptive home situation.

For example, in situations where a child has just joined your family, their Grandparent died last week, or parents just got a divorce, it’s best to give your camper time to adjust. Check with Camp Johnsonburg to see if it’s possible to switch to a session later in the summer or to reschedule for next summer. 

Avoid keeping helpful information from camp staff about your camper.

By providing the Camp Johnsonburg staff with as much information as possible, you help them help your camper. Having information ahead of time saves them from having to “troubleshoot” a puzzling situation in search of a solution. Instead, they can be proactive. As their caregivers for the week, please share what we should know (e.g., bedwetting, preferences, fears, etc.) 

Avoid taking your camper off of prescription medications for their week of camp.

Camp is a less structured environment that your child may be used to at school. Children are more active and stay up later at camp. If you camper requires medication while at home under normal circumstances, it is beneficial for them to remain on those medications and continue a routine the body’s metabolism is familiar with! 

The Camp Johnsonburg Brochure is here.

For more details and specifics about the Summer Camp Program you can visit the Camp Johnsonburg website at and click on the summer camp tab at the top of the page.  

If you think your child or youth would benefit from a summer camp experience, apply today! Applications are accepted on a first come, first served basis until all slots are filled. The earlier you get your application in, the better chance you have to be accepted for this scholarship.
If you have any questions, please contact or call (609) 250-6419.

Give the gift of an unforgettable summer.

Thanks to caring people like you, over 200 summer camp scholarships for foster children in NJ have been awarded since the program’s inception, giving kids in care the chance to make happy summer memories that last a lifetime.


Founded in 1972 and incorporated in 1974, embrella, formerly Foster and Adoptive Family Services, serves foster, adoptive and kinship parents in communities throughout NJ. We provide services, support and training opportunities for foster, adoptive and kinship families. We help foster children by offering programs to support them from childhood to young adulthood.