Why do people become foster parents? There are many foster parenting stories – this is mine.

We fostered for 11 years; during that time, we fostered approximately 17 children and adopted 2. We became foster parents to “test the waters” to see if we would make good parents. When we trained, we were signed up as a Fost-Adopt family, but the county didn’t allow fostering while we waited for a child. We had to change counties in order to foster.

When we did, we quickly realized we had nothing to fear about fostering or adopting transracially and that we wanted to be parents.

One important reason to become a foster parent in New Jersey, or anywhere for that matter, is to advocate for the children in your care; to help them get what they need so they can grow up to live happier, more stable adult lives. The most valuable advice I received as a foster parent was this: You are your child’s best advocate! Speak up! (Good advice for any parent.)

Many men and women wonder, “Why do people become foster parents?” Unfortunately, there are many misconceptions about what it means and what our motivations are. Too many people believe the common foster care myths that foster parents only do it for the money, or that we are monsters and are abusive to children in care. We bear the brunt of the pain of the 2% of bad seeds. I would hope that the general public would see how children in care are treated by our actions in every day life, that we would be good examples in our communities.

Why Do People Become Foster Parents? To Change Children’s Lives (And Our Own Lives) For The Better

Our happiest and proudest moment was the adoption days of both our children! We were elated to be blessed with such beautiful souls. Proud and happy moments continue to come as the girls grow, overcome obstacles and accomplish milestones.

Our saddest moment by far was having to say goodbye to our first child having been with us for a year. You don’t know how much a three-year-old understands about going to live with relatives they never met.

All of the children that came into our home left a mark on our hearts. They have taught us so much in the way of compassion, understanding and knowledge in how we should lead our lives. We are truly grateful to have had the privilege of meeting them.

Learn how to become a foster parent in NJ or how to adopt from foster care in NJ.